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 PJSC IC «JUPITER VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP» was founded in 1999 and is one of the first operators on the Ukrainian life insurance market. PJSC IC «JUPITER VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP» has a unique professional experience in the areas of life insurance, provision of pensions, income protection, reserving and saving resources.
In 2004 PJSC IC «JUPITER VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP» joined the insurance group Vienna Insurance Group, the leader of insurance market of Central and Eastern Europe.
PJSC IC «JUPITER VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP» makes efficient use of advanced financial technologies, exclusive methods and approaches to serving client service and cooperation with sales partners sharing the international reputation, financial power and success of Vienna Insurance Group.
The main types of insurance we provide
• Endowment insurance
• Additional insurance against physical disability caused by accident
• Additional insurance against disease diagnosis and its surgical treatment
• Credit life insurance 


The Ukrainian Assotiation of Investment Business(UAIB) is a voluntary non-government non-profit organization founded on the principles of self-regulation, equality of rights, free will expression and community of its members’ interests. Established in April 1995, the Ukrainian Association of Investment Business (hereinafter – the UAIB) is one of the most senior professional organizations of stock market participants in Ukraine. Presently, it is the only self-regulatory non-government organization in Ukraine which is exercising the functions of pre-licencing preparation of market participants (asset managing companies) that intend to obtain a license for carrying out professional activity from the SSMSC.


The members of Commission in banking analysis of USFA (Ukraine’s Society of financial analysts), representatives of National bank and specialized banking editions, analysts of major Ukrainian banks took part in working out of Ukrainian banks’ liability rating’s methodology.


 The information system "Phoenix" (database stock societies Ukraine) was developed to 1994 parliamentary elections. Since then has the nation's популярностью among participants of capital markets. Refill capacities the routinely twice a week



DAGDA LLC is part of an international network specializing in financial analytics and research. It was founded to serve the interests of investors, issuers and financial intermediaries in Ukraine.
Among its clients are the largest stock exchanges of the European Union and the Asian-Pacific region, foreign investment banks and funds, respected audit, legal and consulting firms


Expert Ukraiina weekly is an independent analytical magazine the ultimate priority of which is both to assist the economic and social activity of the state and to strengthen its position in the world. The magazine does not limit itself to critical analysis of what is going on but is seeking for management plans and effective solutions. The magazine, which does not accept illegal and unethical advertisement, and distances itself from all financial and industrial and political groupings.

"Expert Ukraine" is the informational and analytical English-language business magazine, designed for the analysis of the investment attractiveness of Ukraine. The object of the project is representation of a social-economical portrait and investment potential of Ukraine for top-managers of domestic and western chiefs of  large organizations and foreign investors

Ekonomicheskiye izvestia (Economic news) is an Ukrainian daily for officials and managers interested in getting daily information of high quality in the fields of economy, finance, politics, society, sports and culture. About one hundred of highly professional journalists are informing the readers about the most important events proposing analysis and forecast of situation development.